2019 Home Page

Wednesday 11th December - Bulahdelah to Blacksimths

A mild night with 18.5 but a cold day with a top of only 23.7

This park is near Swansea. We took the ring road, thus avoiding Newcastle itself, but still plenty of traffic on the roads. We are not used to this. Coupled with really narrow lanes and hills, meant plenty of concentration for Clive driving along.

We are staying at the Blacksmiths Beachside Caravan Park. Again, we scored a drive through site and nice and level. We didn't even wind down the van legs today. There is a big sign here saying "Beware of sand flies. It's a really big park located between Lake Macquarie on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other.

This weather is really weir. Heatwave yesterday and only 22 today with a cool breeze blowing. I have a crochet blanket over my knees tonight and Clive has his flannelette shirt on. I think that the beany is going on next. Absolutely ridiculous, but at least it's helping the fire fighters.

Gai and Bear

Blacksmiths Beachside
Holiday Park.

An interesting

Mural on the
Surf Club wall.


Out at the end
of the break water.

Tankers waiting
off shore.
